Ok, first of all you should never be in a situation where you need to split columns in a database if you ask me, that is, if you have done your job well. A sql database consists of tables and tables consists of columns so why join columns together and separate the values with ';'? Enough about that. The problem I got served was that there was such a column, comma separated, in the database and now I was asked to split that column into multiple columns, so how do you do that? There is actually two things you need to do:
- Split your existing column
- Insert the new data in the table
CREATE FUNCTION dbo.Split (@sep char(1), @s varchar(512))
WITH Pieces(pn, start, stop) AS (
SELECT 1, 1, CHARINDEX(@sep, @s)
SELECT pn + 1, stop + 1, CHARINDEX(@sep, @s, stop + 1)
FROM Pieces
WHERE stop > 0
SUBSTRING(@s, start, CASE WHEN stop > 0 THEN stop-start ELSE 512 END) AS s
FROM Pieces
The function takes the string you want to split and the character you want to split on and returns a table, for example would the following input string: "value1;value2" be:
1 | value1 |
2 | value2 |
The next step is to get these values back in the table and to do that you need to do the following things:
- Create a cursor that loops over the ids in your table
- For each id do a split, using the previous function, on the column that should be split and insert in a temporary table --> a lot of null values in the table (it's ok)
- Group the temporary table and take the maximum value for each new column (the null values will disappear)
- Update the original table with the new values.
In code it looks like this:
-- Create temporary table for holding the new columns together with the respective id
CREATE TABLE #NewColumnsTable
TableId int,
NewColumn1 varchar(2),
NewColumn2 varchar(7)
-- Temporary variable used in loop
DECLARE @TableId int;
-- Create cursor over all the ids in the table and open cursor
SELECT TableId FROM YourTable;
open tableIdCursor;
-- Initial fetch
fetch next from tableIdCursor into @TableId;
-- Loop while we get a result from fetch
While @@FETCH_STATUS = 0
-- Update temporary table with splitted values
insert into #NewColumnsTable
SELECT @TableId as TableId
, CASE epb.pn
when 1 then epb.s
else null
end AS NewColumn1
, CASE epb.pn
when 2 then epb.s
else null
end AS NewColumn2
FROM pgsa.split(';',
(SELECT Column2Split FROM YourTable yt2 Where yt2.TableId = @TableId)) epb;
-- Fetch the new besvarelseid
fetch next from tableIdCursor into @TableId;
-- Close and deallocate cursor since it is no longer in use
close tableIdCursor;
deallocate tableIdCursor;
-- Group table to get one row of values per id
SELECT * INTO #GroupedNewColumnsTable
, MAX(NewColumn1) as NewColumn1
, MAX(NewColumn2) as NewColumn2
FROM #NewColumnsTable
GROUP BY TableId) as t;
-- Update table with the values for the new columns
UPDATE YourTable
SET NewColumn1 = bu.NewColumn1,
NewColumn2 = bu.NewColumn2
FROM YourTable b
INNER JOIN #GroupedNewColumnsTable bu
ON b.TableId = bu.TableId;