As you can read in Topshelf F# api improved I started working on a demo, but it magically grown to include a change to the Topshelf.FSharp
project. The good part with this is that to run Suave
with Topshelf
as a Windows service have never been easier than now. The example code will be made available official examples for Suave, I hope, but meanwhile you can find the code on github.
The code <tl;dr;>
open Suave
open Suave.Http.Successful
open Suave.Web
open Suave.Http
open Suave.Http.Applicatives
open Suave.Http.Successful
open Topshelf
open System
open System.Threading
let main argv =
printfn "%A" argv
let cancellationTokenSource = ref None
let home = choose [path "/" >>= GET >>= OK "Hello world"]
let mind = choose [path "/mind" >>= GET >>= OK "Where is my mind?"]
let app = choose [ home; mind ]
let start hc =
let cts = new CancellationTokenSource()
let token = cts.Token
let config = { defaultConfig with cancellationToken = token}
startWebServerAsync config app
|> snd
|> Async.StartAsTask
|> ignore
cancellationTokenSource := Some cts
let stop hc =
match !cancellationTokenSource with
| Some cts -> cts.Cancel()
| None -> ()
|> display_name "ServiceDisplayName"
|> instance_name "ServiceName"
|> with_start start
|> with_stop stop
|> with_topshelf
What is going on?
I don't think the code need much explanation, but here are some lines. First we create a CancellationToken
which we pass to the start
function. The stop
can then use the CancellationTokenSource
to cancel the async
operation that we start in the start
function. Right before start
we define our Suave
app, it consist of two web parts, home
and mind
which are combined to one app in app
. When the start
and stop
functions are defined it is trivial to use the new updated version of Topshelf.FSharp
to run the suave application as a service.